How to enter a contest

So, you've decided to have a go in an RSGB VHF Contest - below is a brief guide to the different ways you can submit your entry.
Or you can go straight to the following links:

Upload your log: upload

Enter your paper log: enter

View submitted logs to check that your entry has been received received

Using a logging program during the contest
If you use a computer during the contest to create a log, we require an electronic copy of the log file in an approved log file format.
There are many free software packages that you can use to create your log during the contest, we recommend Minos, but see our links page for some other suggestions.
Acceptable file formats are REG1TEST .EDI (preferred), .LOG and .COV from SDV, .EDI or .LOG and .COV from G0GJV programs (NOT .GJV or .MINOS), RSGB standard format and Cabrillo. Formats that integrate the log and cover sheet as a single file are preferred. Free software is available from VHFCC Chairman or We regret that we are unable to accept non plain text formats such as Word .doc files or Spreadsheet files.

The entry must include a contact e-mail address, and full postal address. This will be requested by the online system if it is not already part of your logfile(s).

Your entry file(s) should be uploaded to the RSGB Contest Committee using the Logfile Entry System at

There is a list of frequently asked questions at

If you use a paper log during the contest
The easiest way to enter the contest is to enter you log information using our online log generator page. This is easy to use and once you have entered the QSO details the log will be automatically sent to us.

We will not accept the actual paper log itself unless for some reason you cannot use the online logging system.

If you have no internet access or for other reasons have to send your original paper log then the address is

VHFCC, c/o 5 The Howsells, Lower Howsell Road, Malvern, WR14 1AD.

A complete paper entry consists of a coversheet (form 427 - from our stationery page) for each band you operated in, and logsheets containing all the relevant information for each QSO. The official logsheet form is on our stationery page - but you're welcome to use your own if you prefer, as long as it has the same information in the same order on the page - checking is much easier that way - and has 25 QSOs per page.

