Radio Society of Great Britain VHF Contests Committee
Postcode Districts
The district codes are based on the first two letter of the postcode of your operating location. (Single letter codes eg B have been padded out to two letters eg BM). The description column is for guidance only.
Districts in blue can be counted in VHF contests three times as multipliers. In the case of DG and TD, regardless of whether the station contacted is in England or Scotland. See general rules 7d and 7e.
The district in red can be counted in VHF contests six times as multipliers.
AB Aberdeen |
HR Hereford |
SE London SE1 - 28 |
A downloadable postcode multiplier checklist is available from our stationery page.
If your operating site has a postal address, you can look up the postcode in a Royal Mail postcode directory (probably available in the local library), or call Royal Mail on 0845 7111222 (a local call) during business hours.
If your site doesn't have an obvious postal address, the same number (0845 7111222) should still be able to help you - you will need to tell them the name of the nearest town or village. Remember it's only the postcode 'area' you need in Royal Mail-speak.
UK postcode maps are available from good bookshops - published by Bartholomew amongst others.
If all else fails - it's quite OK to use your best guess. Don't give the contest a miss because you can't be sure you have the right postcode for your hilltop site
RSGB Contest Committee |