General Rules for RSGB VHF/UHF/SHF Contests 2022
1. General
a. These rules apply to all RSGB VHF/UHF/SHF contests
except where superseded by specific contest rules.
c. Entrants must abide by their standard licence conditions (no high power permits) and observe the RSGB band plans including the 6m DX Window (50.100-50.130 MHz) where only inter-continental contacts may be made. Main calling frequencies/centres of activity (50.110 MHz, 50.150, 70.200 MHz, 144.300 MHz, 432.200 MHz) +/- 5 kHz, must not be used to call CQ for contest QSOs. GB2RS and GB2CW frequencies (+/- 5 kHz) must not be used during the period of a scheduled transmission from these stations.
d. Generally, all entrants and operators of UK&CD stations must be RSGB members. Exceptions to this rule are
2m, 70cm 4m and 6m AFS
Christmas Cumulatives
e. Overseas stations may enter RSGB domestic contests
but are only eligible for their own awards.
f. There will be special certficates for the highest placed single-operator entries from entrants aged 18 or under. To register for these awards please send your details including you date of birth to
g. Any queries about the contests, or cases of dispute
should be addressed to the RSGB VHFCC Chair,
2. Entries
a. Electronic logs should be submitted via the portal
b. Acceptable formats are REG1TEST .EDI (preferred),
or Cabrillo, or .LOG and .COV files from SDV, .EDI or .LOG and .COV from G0GJV
programs (NOT .GJV or .MINOS), Free software is available
c. If you have used paper to log your entry do not
send your paper log to the RSGB Contest Committee. The Committee have set up a
simple to use web-based Contest Log Entry system to enable you to enter your
log details online here
d. All times must be logged in UTC.
e. Any complaints/adverse comments received or made
about signal quality and actions taken to attempt to resolve the issue must be recorded in the comments section of the log.
f. Entries must be made by 23:59:59 on the 7th day following the end of the contest
By submitting your log entry, entrants give the RSGB
permission to score, amend, publish, republish, print, and otherwise distribute
(by any means including paper or electronic) the entry either in its original
format, in any other suitable format with or without modifications or combined
with the entries from other contestants for entry into the specific contest,
other contests, or for other reasons including training, development and
advancement of amateur radio.
g. Entrants are advised to use the entries received
web page here to check that their entry
has been received.
h. A spreadsheet containing all the QSOs from all the received logs can be downloaded via a link on each contest results web page.
i. The only allowable modes for RSGB V/U/SHF (non-MGM) contests are SSB, CW, FM, AM, JT6M, ISCAT and FSK441
j. Only one entry may be submitted by each operator or team of operators per contest
k. Entrants must enter with their highest class of licence except in the year of gaining a higher class licence. To comply with this rule, a station must operate using the highest class of UK licence ever held.
3. Station/Operators
a. In multi-band events, all stations forming one entry
must be located within a circle of 1 km radius.
b. Stations that persistently radiate poor quality
signals, cause deliberate interference to other stations, or otherwise
contravene the code of practice for VHF/UHF/SHF contest operation may be penalised.
c. Entrants must permit inspection of their stations
by members of RSGB CC or its representatives, and give site access information
if requested to do so. The inspector must be permitted to remain for as long as
desired, and to return to the site for subsequent inspections at any time
during the contest. Contestants must demonstrate to the inspector's
satisfaction that they are obeying the rules of the contest.
d. ‘Single operator’ is defined as a station operated
by a single person, with no operational assistance of another person or persons
during the contest period.
e. Once a contest has started entrants cannot change their locator during that contest period.
f. In club events only the first three callsigns using the same rig or antenna will have their results count towards the club's score, additional logs will be accepted but as if from an individual with no club allegiance.
If a station is shared by multiple callsigns, this must be declared in the Soapbox (comments) area of the logs.
g. Remote operation of a station is allowed where the operator is situated within the same country on the DXCC list. Additionally, an operator's home station, as shown in the licensee's licence documents, may be remotely operated from a location in another country. A remotely operated station must obey all station licence, operator licence, and category conditions. The callsign used must be one issued or permitted by the Regulatory Authority of the remote station location. The location of the Station must also comply with the requirements above.
The address of the operator must be included in the 'Address of Operator when operating Remote from Station Address' text box on the Station Information Page when entering a log. The RSGB VHF Contest Committee may place remotely operated stations in a separate results table.
4. Contacts
a. The contest exchange consists of at least both
callsigns, RS(T) signal reports followed by a serial number, and the IARU
locator. Particular contests may require additional information to be exchanged
as described in the individual contest rules.
b. Serial numbers start from 001 on each band and
advance by one for each contact. In cumulative contests, serial numbers start
from 001 for each activity period.
c. Crossband contacts do not count for points
d. No points will be lost if a non-competing station does not send an IARU locator, serial number, or any other information that may be required. However, the receiving operator must receive and record sufficient information to be able to calculate the score and all information that is sent must be logged. If you are not sent a serial number, log a zero.
e. Contacts with callsigns appearing as operators on
any of the cover sheets forming an entry will not count for points or
f. Only one scoring contact may be made with a given station
on each band, regardless of suffix (/P, /M, etc.) or prefix (G, GW, GM etc.)
during an individual contest or cumulative activity period. More than one
contact with the same operator using different call signs may not be claimed.
Contacts with stations which have no other contest contacts may be disallowed.
g. Contacts made using repeaters, satellites or moon
bounce will not count for points.
h.Use of the DX Cluster, or any similar spotting network (e.g. ON4KST), is permitted.
i. Any band or facilities such as
the DX Cluster, ON4KST or similar may be used for setting up contacts or talk
back in connection with antenna alignment and confirmation that signals are
audible or inaudible. No attempt should be made during the QSO to obtain any
part (including asking for a repeat or conformation of information) of the required
exchange information via other communication methods such as the Internet chat
channel, DX Cluster, talk-back on another amateur band, telephone etc.. Any
such attempt to use other communication methods (internet chat, DX Cluster
etc.) invalidates the contest QSO. Self-spotting on the DX Cluster network is
not permitted during the contest.
ON4KST or other live chat facilities are not allowed (active or passive) in the following contests.
Acceptable Examples when using other communication
“Shall we make a sked on 144.388?”
“I have QRM, let’s move to 144.218 kHz and start
“Nothing received, please try later”
“Thank you for a nice QSO” Note: only
after the QSO has completed on the radio
Unacceptable Examples when using other communication
“I need your serial number”
“Please repeat all information”
“Did you get all the information you needed?”
“All OK here how about with you?”
“Please confirm <report>, <serial number>,
<postcode> etc.”
j. All information must be copied and confirmed at the
time of the QSO, over the air and only on the band in use. The log must not be
materially edited after the contest.
k. In multi-band contests the same single 6 hour period
must be used on all bands.
l. A station may be shared by multiple operators with each
operator using a different callsign and submitting a separate log for the
However, such a station must not be used to work stations serially by
operators sharing the station. There must be a minimum of 15 minutes between
QSOs with another station. Example: A station is shared by G9AAA and G9BBB.
G9AAA works G9CCC at 20.00. G9BBB cannot work G9CCC before 20.15. G9BBB and
G9AAA can contact other stations in the intervening 15 minutes. Operators
sharing a station may not work each other for points or multipliers
5. Scoring
a. Scoring will normally be at 1 point per km and
commenced (part) km - i.e. 137.3km counts as 138 points. Contacts with stations
in the same small locator square as your station (eg IO92AA to IO92AA) will
score 1 point.
b. Multi-band contests will contain an overall results
table in addition to the individual band results. The scores in this final
tabulation will be formed by taking the sum of the normalised scores on each
band. The normalised scores will be calculated by:
Normalised score for each band/session =
(Score achieved x 1000) / (Band/session leader score)
Points gained on bands above 10GHz will be combined
into a single "Microwave Band" the score will be the sum of the
points scored on each of the bands, using the following multiplication factors.
Band |
Factor |
24 GHz |
1x |
47 GHz |
2x |
76 GHz |
3x |
122 GHz |
4x |
134 GHz |
8x |
245 GHz |
10x |
For the purposes of calculating the contest overall results
the Microwave Band will count as a single band during normalisation.
6. Awards & Results
a. The list of RSGB Contest Trophies can be found
b. Certificates will be awarded to the leading and
second placed UK&CD station in each section of the contest where more than three entries are received for that section.
c. In all contests with single operator fixed station sections where the power limit is greater than 25W, a certificate will be awarded to the leading single operator fixed station using 25W or less into a single antenna.
d. Where merited, a certificate will be awarded to the
leading Intermediate and leading Foundation licensees in each section. A
licensee who upgrades to a higher licence level is still eligible for any
awards available to the lower licence level until the end of the year in which
the upgrade was achieved, as long as the lower level callsign and limitations
are used. In the following year, this eligibility ceases, regardless of the
callsign used for the entry. Licensees who have
previously held a higher licence level are also not eligible to receive lower licence level awards.
e. A certificate will be awarded to the leading
overseas station in each section.
f. A certificate will be awarded to the leading entrant aged 18 or under in each section. Entrants wishing to qualify for this award should register their date of birth by sending an email to
g. Only 1 Trophy will be awarded per station per contest.
7. Multipliers
a. Where a contest uses multipliers, the score for
each band will be the number of points made on that band multiplied by the
number of multipliers contacted on that band.
b. Where more than one type of multiplier is used in a
contest, for instance country and locator, the total multiplier is the sum of
the individual multiplier totals. (See individual contest rules.)
c. In post code multiplier contests, each Scottish
Post Code area may be worked up to three times for multiplier credit, and BT
d. In contests using Post Code Area multipliers the
exchange will include the first 2 letters of the postcode (e.g. EN from EN5
7JE). Where a post code consists of only a single initial letter (e.g. B6 9AA),
the exchange will be padded out to 2 letters - e.g. in this case 'BM'. A full
list is provided here.
e. Locator multipliers are the total of large squares,
IO91, JO01 etc., worked.
f. A QSO with your own postcode, country or locator
square as appropriate to the contest counts for multiplier credit, and any
appropriate QSO can count as more than one multiplier (e.g. your first G QSO in
an M3 multiplier contest will count for a new locator, postcode and country).
8. Adjudication
a. Errors in sending/receiving are penalised by the
loss of all points/multipliers for the QSO.
b. Points may be deducted or entries disqualified or
excluded for any breach of the rules or spirit of the contest.
9. Amendments
These rules are correct at the time of going to press
but contestants are advised to check the RSGB VHF Contests Committee web site
here for any possible updates. The rules published on the
web site are definitive and take precedence in the event of a conflict