Claimed Scores 2023
  13232 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for 1.3GHz UKAC

19 Dec (79 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AR 1 G4CLA IO92 90 12,450 138 11000 23,450 DD8DW 629 100 1.9m Dish Very poor conditions and some regulars missing, hard work.
AO 2 G3XDY JO02 56 11,959 214 9500 21,459 EI8KN 581 400 4 x 23el Yagi Ugh! Dreadful east, even reliable AS contacts failed, and TX rotator loop fault made it impossible to beam south. See you all in 2024.  
AO 3 G4ZTR JO01 60 11,616 194 9000 20,616 EI8KN 559 300 1.5m PF dish A difficult evening but plenty of activity. Might get a UBN or two for Christmas !  
AO 4 G4ODA IO92 54 9,612 178 9500 19,112 F1MKG 460 400 1.9m dish Copious qsb and multi-path. Rather a let down after W/E's DX  
AO 5 GD8EXI IO74 39 11,747 301 5000 16,747 G3XDY 456 400 60 ele PowAbeam Very poor conditions even wondered if I had Rx fault. Merry Christmas.
AO 6 G4BRK IO91 44 6,342 144 8000 14,342 GM4DIJ/P 429 400 36 el Another one to forget. Poor conditions and low/variable power out from the PA.  
AO 7 G4LPP JO02 34 7,181 211 7000 14,181 GD8EXI 440 110 55ele F9FT x 4 poor condx but thanks for the qsos - seasons greetings, Phil  
AR 8 G4HWA IO92 56 6,060 108 7500 13,560 F1MKG 411 100 67 ele Wimo Poor conditions tonight deep QSB thanks for all the contacts 73 and Seasons Greeting Bernie G4HWA  
AL 9 2E0VCC/P IO70 32 8,485 265 5000 13,485 F1MKG 442 10 44 element    
AR 10 M0GHZ IO81 38 5,878 155 7500 13,378 PA0S 463 100 67 ele Wimo Dreadful conditions, wet Tonna never works well. Merry Xmas 73 David  
AL 11 G6UAJ/P IO91 52 6,489 125 6500 12,989 EI8KN 386 10 44 ele wimo poor conditions with cavernous QSB. biting cold, tough night to be on a hill.  
AO 12 G3TCT IO81 32 5,948 186 7000 12,948 PE1EWR 431 150 44ele Wimo Hard work, expect UBNs. 73 and MX all  
AO 13 G3MEH IO91 41 4,454 109 7000 11,454 F1MKG 360 300 1.5m dish Many thanks for all the QSOs in 2023. Merry Xmas & HNY, all.
AL 14 M5TKA IO91 43 4,540 106 6000 10,540 G8PNN 366 10 67 El Wimo Difficult night, hard to copy some that are usually easy. Many thanks for perseverance (is that a parrot?) 73 & Merry Christmas!  
AR 15 GW4JQP IO71 22 4,956 225 5500 10,456 G3XDY 437 25 35 ele Tonna Steady progress this time, despite the gusty conditions here. Thanks for the repeats and Season's Greetings to all.
AR 16 G0ODQ IO91 44 4,560 104 5500 10,060 G8PNN 392 100 67 ele Wimo Very poor conditions tonight , thanks all for the qso's and seasons greetings
AL 17 G6HPR/P IO92 44 4,410 100 5500 9,910 2E0VCC/P 326 10 23ELE Missed the first 20 mins and a Technical fault just before 10pm. Dire conditions made it for a difficult night. 73 all Allan.  
AL 18 G0FVI/P IO93 30 4,188 140 5000 9,188 PA0S 364 10 44 ele wimo worst cndx of year on 23 UKAC, deep QSB, low activity, tnx fer many repeats and tries! Happy xmas!
AL 19 G3SQQ IO93 34 4,344 128 4500 8,844 GD8EXI 257 10 41EL TONNA terrible conditions, reception being the worst, maybe xmas lights adding to problems.Tnx to Richard GD8EXI for patience.  
AL 20 GW8ASD IO83 33 4,308 131 4500 8,808 G3XDY 309 10 67ele Yagi Poor conditions, low activity.  
AL 21 G0NZI/P IO92 31 3,145 101 5500 8,645 2E0VCC/P 290 10 22 element DL6WU Very very poor conditions tonight! Thanks for all the QSO's and seasons greetings!
AL 22 G1DFL/P IO91 45 4,141 92 4500 8,641 GD8EXI 372 10 44Y WiMo Very chilly and blustery on the hill, conditions awful! Thank you for all the QSO's in 2023. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
AR 23 G8PNN IO95 17 4,626 272 4000 8,626 PA0S 544 100 44 ELE Band conditions not good, many regulars missing. QRT early 10pm. Seasons greetings. Gordon. NFCG  
AO 24 G8DOH IO92 40 3,509 88 5000 8,509 PE1EWR 356 8.5 2 x 23ele Very difficult conditions  
AL 25 G0HEL/P IO81 24 3,119 130 5000 8,119 EI8KN 371 10 1m pf dish very windy again deep qsb poor condx Tnx all fr points in 2023.Seasons Greetings and HNY.Alan TDARC  
AO 26 G4LDR IO91 25 3,119 125 5000 8,119 GW4JQP 253 200 4 x 35 Element Yagi Conditions seemed poor, no DX tonight. Thanks for all the contacts.  
AR 27 G4EPA IO92 34 3,082 91 5000 8,082 GD8EXI 308 100 35 ele Very hard going tonight.  
AR 28 G4GFI IO91 34 3,864 114 4000 7,864 GD8EXI 434 100 35ele Tonna What a change since Sunday night! Very poor tropo tonight, even some relatively local QSOs difficult. Merry Christmas & 73 for 2024.  
AL 29 G4JLG IO83 25 3,049 122 4500 7,549 G3XDY 291 10 44 el YAGI Activity lower than usual. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone
AO 30 F1MKG JN08 24 5,036 210 2500 7,536 G4ODA 460 100 2 X 35 EL F9FT bad qsb sorry for missing contacts 73 jacky
AO 31 G0WZV JO01 21 3,029 144 4500 7,529 GD8EXI 447 140 2 x 18 ele    
AL 32 G0FEH/P IO92 38 3,011 79 4500 7,511 GD8EXI 312 10 Quados Noisy band tonight. Thanks for all the QSOs, 73's and Seasons Greetings to all
AO 33 EI8KN IO62 10 3,975 398 3500 7,475 G3XDY 581 200 44 element WIMO First 90 minutes only. Merry Xmas to all.  
AL 34 G4YPC IO91 27 2,601 96 4500 7,101 F1MKG 309 2 23 ele Tonna Vy flat but best QSO count on 23 this yr! Not highest cl score though. Seasons gr, tnks for all QSOs 2023. Points to Guildford DRS. 73 all.  
AR 35 G8DVK IO91 32 3,086 96 4000 7,086 GD8EXI 365 100 70 element    
AL 36 G3VCA IO93 18 2,311 128 4500 6,811 G3TCT 267 10 36 element Worst condx of the year for me. Rapid QSB - phase distortion Dead band  
AR 37 GM4DIJ/P IO74 10 3,299 330 3500 6,799 G3XDY 513 20 30 ele H/B yagi Poor condx. Very windy.  
AL 38 G4NTY IO83 26 2,847 110 3500 6,347 G3XDY 291 10 Wimo 67 Element Poor conditions
AR 39 G8SEI IO92 19 1,833 96 4500 6,333 F5RZC 324 100 43ele late start due to work but worked a few . ho ho ho 73 and merry christmas  
AL 40 G0SKA IO91 27 2,403 89 3500 5,903 GD8EXI 376 10 43 ele Dual dreadful, noisy, QSB and weak signals. Very hard work. Thanks for all QSOs this year and Happy Christmas to all.
AO 41 PE1EWR JO11 14 3,314 237 2500 5,814 G3TCT 431 80 2*25 el F9FT Weak signals, AP reflections helped to make some distances. Tka all for persevering!
AL 42 G7WHI/P IO92 35 2,603 74 3000 5,603 G4LPP 191 10 40 Ele Met    
AL 43 G6GVI IO83 14 1,599 114 3500 5,099 G3XDY 298 10 27-ele loop-quad Poor conditions and low activity - only one QSO in 70 mins at one point! Also called G4HWA, G3SQQ & G4KQH.  
AR 44 G3UKV IO82 16 1,495 93 3500 4,995 GD8EXI 210 80 15 ele yagi Hard going - poor condx. HNY all UKAC ops.  
AL 45 M1MLM/P IO93 30 2,342 78 2500 4,842 M5TKA 152 10 16 ele yagi Very windy and wet tonight but still enjoy been on the radio. seasons greetings all . catch you next year ..Ben  
AR 46 G4SJH IO91 17 1,560 92 3000 4,560 G3SQQ 198 100 23Y  
AO 47 2E0PRY IO90 9 1,429 159 3000 4,429 G4LPP 271 50 WIMO BEAM 13 ELEMENTS Hi First time for a contest, i see i have missing the times but was between 20.00 to 22.30. Will make sure correct for next contest in Jan24  
AL 48 G4VFL/P IO84 7 1,241 177 3000 4,241 G3VKV 311 10 24 G4CQM Wx: Windy. I think I also briefly Rx G3TDH, G8DVK, GD8EXI and G4ZTV
AR 49 G4YTL IO92 12 1,150 96 3000 4,150 2E0VCC/P 290 80 43ele  
AL 50 MW0OMB IO81 11 1,582 144 2500 4,082 G3XDY 320 10 44 Y Tough cdx, LNA didn't seem to be wrking. Used Backup at stn end. Thnks for the pts.  
AR 51 M0TXE IO82 11 985 90 3000 3,985 G4VFL/P 212 20 37 ele yagi    
AL 52 G3YKI IO82 15 1,253 84 2500 3,753 GD8EXI 228 10 23 ele Yagi    
AL 53 G4YUP/P IO91 11 1,059 96 2500 3,559 G4ODA 209 10 20 el Yagi Dreadfull conditions. Freezing cold - better luck next year  
AL 54 G3TDH IO83 12 1,045 87 2500 3,545 GM4DIJ/P 249 10 23 Ele Dreadful conditions. Generally weak signals and those who I could hear couldn't hear me! Called several IO91 with no response. Early finish  
AL 55 M0UHF IO91 20 1,488 74 2000 3,488 G4LPP 231 10 35e Tonna    
AO 56 G8AIM IO92 6 916 153 2500 3,416 GD8EXI 291 100 4 35 ele tonna    
AL 57 G4CSD IO91 15 1,392 93 2000 3,392 2E0VCC/P 244 10 36 ele    
AL 58 G0CDA IO83 16 1,390 87 2000 3,390 GM4DIJ/P 230 10 44 ele Wimo Real struggle on low power ,terrible QSB/noise from this location.Could not even work GD ,unheard of! AP's did now work.One to forget!  
AR 59 G4EFT IO91 16 1,357 85 2000 3,357 G3VCA 225 25 Dual PA1296-18-1.5RB Conditions were not very good made worse with the annoying QSB. Tnx for QSO's. 73 Phil  
AL 60 G4DZL/P IO92 15 1,109 74 2000 3,109 G4LPP 191 10 40ELE YAGI  
AL 61 G0JRY IO91 15 974 65 2000 2,974 2E0VCC/P 271 10 tonna 23e  
AL 62 G0JSB IO83 6 681 114 2000 2,681 G4ODA 213 10 23 ele QL Flat cond and deep QSB. Tried GM4DIJ/P all night via sea path but only odd blips even with planes. Happy Christmas all.  
AL 63 G8IXK IO91 9 666 74 2000 2,666 G3XDY 116 10 Wimo SHF 2344    
AL 64 G8REQ IO83 6 433 72 1500 1,933 G4CLA 162 10 44 Ele Wimo Problems with Lna at start so dropped mast to bypass and then poor Cdx, Missed most of the Manchester lads and most squares. best wishes.73.  
AL 65 G8GRS/P IO81 7 371 53 1500 1,871 G4NZV 78 10 36ele Dire!All contacts in first 45 mins, nothing in next 45 mins packed up at 2130.Not even CLA !  
AL 66 2E0VPX IO92 6 360 60 1500 1,860 G3XDY 144 10 55 element Season's Greetings all :)  
AL 67 G4XYW IO91 13 842 65 1000 1,842 G4CLA 129 8 44el Wimo    
AL 68 M0SLO/P IO92 18 643 36 1000 1,643 G8DVK 98 10 22 ele yagi Poor conditions, hard to get out of IO92. All the best! 73s  
AL 69 F1CBC JN09 5 580 116 1000 1,580 G4CLA 333 10 23 els yagi Very sad conditions this night, wery weak signals and not QSA, Deep QSB. Tnx for QSO, 73 at all ..Philippe Merry Chrismas and HNY  
AL 70 G6TVB IO92 12 443 37 1000 1,443 G8DVK 84 10 Wimo 44 elements    
AL 71 G0MHZ IO91 12 438 36 1000 1,438 G4CLA 80 10 16 ele yagi    
AL 72 G6GDI IO91 10 392 39 1000 1,392 G4CLA 82 10 CLP5130 LOG PERIODIC Season Greetings to All. Thx for QSOs Heavy going!  
AL 73 G0GGU IO92 7 201 29 1000 1,201 G1DFL/P 75 10 20 ele Yagi    
AL 74 G4AQB IO83 7 191 27 1000 1,191 GW8ASD 72 2 23 ele Tonna    
AR 75 G1JJA IO92 3 136 45 1000 1,136 G0LGS 48 25 44 ele    
AL 76 G1SCT IO92 3 83 28 1000 1,083 G0FVI/P 50 10 23 Ele Tonna    
AO 77 GW4MBS IO71 1 78 78 500 578 GW4JQP 78 200 28-el F9FT Christmas comedy entry. NO KST. NO SKED. CW only, 10 mins only. Only got one reply, no other signals heard or seen.
AL 78 G8TZJ IO84 1 78 78 500 578 G4VFL/P 78 10 70cm 15el XY Yagi    
AL 79 G3ZWR IO94 1 29 29 500 529 G8PNN 29 8 35ele tonna 1.5hrs of noise and rotator wear tracking Nth to Sth and all points between. HAPPY XMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. 73 Norman

21 Nov (87 scores)

17 Oct (94 scores)

19 Sep (81 scores)

15 Aug (102 scores)

18 Jul (97 scores)

20 Jun (102 scores)

16 May (97 scores)

18 Apr (108 scores)

21 Mar (95 scores)

21 Feb (106 scores)

17 Jan (89 scores)

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