Claimed Scores 2024
  9979 claimed scores
V8.42 by G4CLA

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29/11/24 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
28/11/24 70MHz UKAC
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27/11/24 SHF UKAC 5.7 GHz
27/11/24 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
26/11/24 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz FT8 AC (2 hours)

6 Nov (28 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 MM0CEZ IO75 55 19,403 353 10500 29,903 G6HIE 686 400 2 x 9 Element M2 Reasonable inter UK cndx, no EU apart from EI. Good activity. Not too many repeats. Thanks for the calls.  
AR 2 G4ZTR JO01 52 15,230 293 13000 28,230 EA2XR 939 100 10 el DJ9BV Conditions slightly up, activity seemed average. High noise to NE so no chance of working OZ/SM.  
AR 3 G8SEI IO92 42 13,827 329 12500 26,327 OV3T 783 100 11 ele so many big signals I went split , my multitasking skills switching vfo missed some so i apologise 73 thanks for trying . Jeff  
AO 4 EI8KN IO62 44 17,484 397 8500 25,984 F1NQP 775 400 12 elements Good activity.  
AO 5 G0JJG JO02 45 12,980 288 12000 24,980 DK5IR 651 500 2 x 5 ele    
AR 6 G3YDY JO01 47 13,177 280 11000 24,177 GM4JTJ 615 100 7 ele    
AR 7 G7LRQ IO91 44 11,573 263 12000 23,573 DK0TR 708 100 10 ele Owl Struggle and many unanswered calls. Lots of regular EU calls missing from log.  
AL 8 G7LII/P IO92 42 11,158 266 10500 21,658 DF8XC 693 10 10 Element Yagi    
AR 9 G4HGI IO83 38 11,211 295 10000 21,211 DL1KDA 761 90 8JXX2 PC crashed 3 times while beaming to GM ...never happened before ! thanks to all 73  
AR 10 G0JDL JO02 44 12,217 278 8500 20,717 DK0TR 597 90 Dual 5-el Good conditions and high activity but really hard to work stations, even strong ones. Lots of failed QSOs.  
AR 11 G7WIR JO01 41 8,834 215 8500 17,334 MM0CEZ 596 50 WiMo Big Wheel Hard work at times. Better result than expected.  
AR 12 G0BIX JO01 31 6,813 220 8000 14,813 MM0CEZ 596 100 7 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AO 13 2E1DJN IO82 29 6,318 218 7500 13,818 F8DFO 471 50 14 ELE YAGI    
AL 14 G8IXK IO91 29 5,761 199 8000 13,761 MM0CEZ 518 10 DUAL PA144-432-19-3-2C Much better activity this month  
AL 15 M0LTQ IO82 28 5,924 212 7000 12,924 GM4JTJ 445 10 3 ele Yagi    
AR 16 G0LGS IO81 29 6,141 212 6500 12,641 F1NQP 479 100 Wimo Big Wheel    
AR 17 M0UHF IO91 30 5,173 172 7000 12,173 MI0IHH 428 100 13 e beam    
AR 18 G4FFY JO01 26 5,026 193 6500 11,526 DK0TR 571 100 Diamond V-2000 Colinear Started off well but became harder in the last hour. Thanks for the QSOs. 73
AR 19 G3WZK IO91 32 5,346 167 6000 11,346 MM0CEZ 518 50 DUAL YAGI 5/9 ELE Good condx. Tnx fer QSOs.  
AL 20 G0ODR JO02 26 6,192 238 5000 11,192 DL1KDA 471 10 9 ELE LFA    
AR 21 GM4JIB IO85 17 3,246 191 6000 9,246 G8SEI 359 50 G2BCX 16 ele Yagi    
AR 22 G4ZST JO02 14 2,445 175 4000 6,445 DF6WE 426 100 11 ele duel band    
AL 23 M7APV JO01 21 2,935 140 3000 5,935 M7SGM 277 10 diamond v2000 good conditions tonight  
AR 24 M0TMR IO93 11 1,623 148 3500 5,123 MM0CEZ 341 50 Diamond X50    
AL 25 G6GCM IO92 19 1,910 101 3000 4,910 G7WIR 177 10 Horizontal folded dipole in loft    
AO 26 M0SKT IO92 20 2,229 111 2500 4,729 M7APV 177 50 Diamond X-50 Great to see many new callsigns during the contest.  
AO 27 GM7GAX IO86 5 626 125 1500 2,126 MM0CEZ 167 15 2m colinear    
AL 28 G0BWG IO93 6 362 60 1000 1,362 M6OUG 112 10 Watson W2000 Vertical    

2 Oct (28 scores)

4 Sep (28 scores)

7 Aug (26 scores)

3 Jul (28 scores)

5 Jun (28 scores)

1 May (34 scores)

3 Apr (36 scores)

6 Mar (35 scores)

7 Feb (34 scores)

3 Jan (39 scores)

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