Claimed Scores 2024
  10851 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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06/01/25 432MHz Xmas Contest
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Claimed scores for 144MHz UKAC

3 Dec (169 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Bonus
Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 G4CLA IO92 221 40,916 185 18500 59,416 OZ9KY 813 400 4x10 Thanks for the QSOs.  
AO 2 G4PIQ JO02 148 36,711 248 20000 56,711 SM7EYW 857 1000 17el F9FT Conditions seemed generally OK but odd holes in activity so bonus down. Logging computer crisis early on. Thanks for all QSOs!  
AO 3 GD8EXI IO74 121 39,468 326 12000 51,468 PA1BVM 737 1000 18 ele M2 10dB White noise to south a problem for awhile but otherwise quite reasonable with 7 QSO over 600kms.
AL 4 GW1YBB/P IO81 172 33,958 197 13500 47,458 PA0WMX 630 10 9 ele homebrew good conditions agn,sigs up,no extra DX tho. Great activity but dead by 10pm.dead calm & dry eve,glorious for Dec. thx all,Steve  
AO 5 G4AFF JO02 144 30,254 210 14000 44,254 OZ6TY 775 700 12ele and 7ele    
AO 6 G4ODA IO92 130 27,540 212 16500 44,040 OZ9KY 734 1000 4x12el M2 Spent 3 days fixing odd SWR issue so happy now OK. Frost on ground at end.  
AR 7 GM4JTJ IO86 69 28,697 416 10500 39,197 OZ1BEF 724 100 9eleYagi fair condx, heavy rain by the end. Good to the east
AR 8 GW6UAJ/P IO81 138 26,615 193 11500 38,115 DL4M 722 100 5 ele LFA occasional enhancement east,normal to poor,elsewhere. Good activity. Cold and damp packing up.  
AR 9 G3TBK/P IO93 134 22,770 170 12500 35,270 F6BQG 549 100 11 el Tonna Above average. A few regulars missed. No chat-room nor mgm. Very cold at tear-down.  
AO 10 G4LPP JO02 86 20,963 244 14000 34,963 OZ1BEF 624 800 4 x 8 ele yagi Conditions up in some directions. Bad QSB, thanks for the QSOs, 73, Phil  
AO 11 G8SEI IO92 121 18,931 156 13000 31,931 GM4TOE 565 1000 11 ele stacked irst time using stacked 11 ele and 1kw thanks everyone 73  
AR 12 G4HWA IO92 122 19,302 158 12500 31,802 OZ1BEF 796 100 9 ele Vargada Relativity flat conditions thanks for all the contacts 73 Bernie  
AR 13 G0CNN/P IO94 105 22,058 210 8500 30,558 F5RZC 486 100 Innovantennas 9 Ele OWL-Ultra Good band conditions. Cold, wet & windy @ close. Thanks for all the calls!
AL 14 G0EAK/P IO93 92 17,408 189 13000 30,408 OZ7KJ 722 10 8 Ele LFA Fair condx although QSB a problem at times. Wx very cold but at least dry and no wind. A few regulars missing so no 64, 70 or 95 squares :(  
AR 15 G1KAR/P JO00 81 17,265 213 11500 28,765 GM4JTJ 684 100 17 element Tonna Good WX & DX, Thanks for the contacts. 73s The G1KAR/P Team at Beachy Head.
AO 16 G0XDI IO91 121 16,534 137 12000 28,534 F6GYH 618 400 7 ele Dual Great Activity, conditions flat but great fun with some nice QSOs in the log, thanks to all.  
AR 17 G0SKA IO91 112 15,651 140 12500 28,151 GM4JTJ 563 100 11 ele Powabeam some lift and strong signals. Good activity.
AR 18 G0ODQ IO91 101 15,573 154 12500 28,073 GM4JTJ 557 100 9 ele M Squared  
AO 19 GW0GEI IO72 71 16,271 229 10000 26,271 GM4JTJ 508 1000 13 ele powabeam    
AO 20 M0WLF IO81 97 17,265 178 8500 25,765 GM4JTJ 584 400 17B2 CUSHCRAFT    
AR 21 G8EKG IO92 99 15,001 152 10500 25,501 PA0WMX 542 100 13ele    
AR 22 G3SQQ IO93 86 14,960 174 10000 24,960 OZ1BEF 752 100 9EL LFA Conditions not to good at times, QSB also bad at times, otherwise OK, some regular stations missing.  
AR 23 GW0RHC IO71 64 14,334 224 10500 24,834 F1MKG 488 35 12 ele 9700 IN FOR SERVICING RELYING ON MY TRUSTY ICOM 820 1982 VINTAGE  
AR 24 2E0NEY IO81 81 13,197 163 11500 24,697 GM4JTJ 580 100 17 ele Tonna Poor condx tonight hard work with qsb and noise. 1st hour awful but improved later. Tnx all for points and seasons greetings 73
AR 25 G8IQL/P IO90 96 14,427 150 10000 24,427 GD8EXI 431 20 8el JBeam Legacy night - 1980s IC290D rig and 1970s ant. Thanks for the QSOs.
AR 26 G1DFL/P IO91 128 14,753 115 9500 24,253 EI8KN 439 100 Big Wheel About as much fun as you can have with a simple egg whisk, not far off the ground lashed to a post in a layby! Thnks QSO's, 73! Pete
AR 27 M0SAT IO91 91 11,873 130 12000 23,873 GM4JTJ 574 100 9 ele LFA Tnx to /P & repeats. Points to DRRG.  
AR 28 G4BRK IO91 71 11,570 163 12000 23,570 GM4JTJ 562 100 9 el Very slow at the start, condx average to poor.  
AO 29 G4YPC IO91 86 12,818 149 10500 23,318 F6GYH 594 1000 17ele Tonna & 4X 3ele DK7ZB Busy evening with some nice QSOs. Great fun. Thanks all. Points to Guildford DRS  
AO 30 G6AD/P IO92 104 12,828 123 9000 21,828 F1MKG 435 100 13 element yagi Conditions better than expected. Ice on the coax at the end! Thanks for all the contacts.  
AL 31 M1EYP/P IO83 82 11,292 138 10000 21,292 F5RZC 396 5 SOTAbeams SB5 - 5Y SOTA activation from The Cloud G/SP-015. Nice condx.  
AR 32 G4ILI/P IO81 96 11,709 122 8500 20,209 GM4JTJ 534 100 6 element beam Busy eve. Reasonable conds N/S but some regs missing.Season's Greetings TNX fr ALL QSOs in the yr. 73 Grant Hereford & TNX Cont comm too.  
AO 33 G3MEH IO91 85 10,070 118 10000 20,070 PA0WMX 458 400 9 ele M Squared Part time entry, two hours only.
AO 34 MW0DX IO71 49 11,892 243 8000 19,892 GM4JTJ 557 600 2 X 9 not so much activity to the west again the tartan airforce does its job. catch you over xmas for a chat  
AO 35 GM4PPT IO75 50 11,729 235 8000 19,729 G4YPC 527 500 12ele M2 Good activity & fair conditions for December, steady stream all evening. Thanks to all for the FUN! See you on 432 next Tue.
AR 36 GW8ASD IO83 64 10,678 167 9000 19,678 F1MKG 559 100 12ele Yagi    
AR 37 G4FAL IO93 77 11,523 150 8000 19,523 F5RZC 389 100 9 elel    
AO 38 F1MKG JN08 56 13,998 250 5500 19,498 GD8EXI 716 300 4 X 10 EL DK7ZB New setup, need to debug, sorry for the missed contacts 73 jacky
AR 39 G8REQ IO83 68 10,494 154 9000 19,494 G1KAR/P 374 95 H/B 5 Ele DK7ZB Busy night but noise has increased (Xmas lights?) heard by GM0HTT but no 2 way. missed a few regs. Tnx to all...73.  
AL 40 G7LII/P IO92 103 11,467 111 7500 18,967 GJ7LJJ/P 337 10 10 Element Yagi Push up mast had frozen, making packing up entertaining. Thanks for all the contacts  
AO 41 GM4BYF IO85 35 11,305 323 7500 18,805 G0LTG 521 1000 16ele Conds poor to io91. M0SAT was a marathon tnx. How GW0GEI was worked pointing SSE is a mystery. Tnx to all for persistence  
AL 42 G0FEH/P IO92 88 9,987 113 8500 18,487 GM4JTJ 507 10 5 ele A busy contest tonight, thanks to everybody who called, 73's Dave
AR 43 F4VRB IN98 37 13,214 357 5000 18,214 GD8EXI 651 100 16 element Difficult tonight, thanks all. Harwell ARS.  
AR 44 G4GFI IO91 82 10,138 124 8000 18,138 GD8EXI 434 100 9ele Tonna Nice condx with plenty of activity.  
AR 45 G4NTY IO83 75 10,956 146 7000 17,956 F1MKG 584 100 8 Element Yagi Conditions not bad. Thanks for points.
AR 46 M0UHF IO91 71 8,768 123 9000 17,768 PA1BVM 466 100 13 E CUSHCRAFT    
AR 47 G3YDY JO01 48 8,787 183 8500 17,287 OZ1BEF 760 100 7 ele    
AR 48 G4YHF IO92 53 8,614 163 8500 17,114 DR0X 533 100 6el Whatever! Improved eyesight may have helped with logging  
AR 49 G4EPA IO92 67 8,107 121 9000 17,107 GM4JTJ 486 100 9 element Quite busy tonight but conditions rather flat.  
AR 50 G8FMC IO91 72 8,521 118 8500 17,021 GM4PPT 456 100 8 ele G4CQM Powabeam Slightly less noise than usual & a little better than average?  
AR 51 G3WGN IO80 43 10,885 253 6000 16,885 G4LPP 444 100 6el Dual Lots of loud stations up to 400km, but difficulty getting heard. Very little heard to the North. Fast QSB too, so although conditions seem  
AR 52 MD0MAN/P IO74 41 10,372 253 6500 16,872 G1KAR/P 502 100 9 ele Tonna Seemed to come and go in short spurts, some lovely signals - tnx all in log  
AL 53 G3NFC/P IO92 80 9,192 115 7500 16,692 GM4CXM 403 10 15 Ele LFA Some technical issues experienced. New contacts made. Cold and very damp evening. Thx for QSOs  
AR 54 2E0OUT IO81 52 8,187 157 8500 16,687 GM4JTJ 562 50 11ell duel 73 all De James  
AR 55 G0CDA IO83 49 7,513 153 8500 16,013 F1MKG 573 25 15 ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer Better early on but still plagued with noise to S/SE. Some nice AS contacts. Need to change aerial/feeder in New Year. Tks all  
AR 56 G8ZRE IO83 56 8,479 151 7500 15,979 F5RZC 434 50 8 XY Yagi Good conds,15 QRA`s.Missed IO95/90.Tks all for points in 2024 & VHFCC for organising contests.Seasons greetings to all. Dave G8ZRE.
AL 57 G0XBU IO83 48 7,458 155 8500 15,958 GM4TOE 492 10 9ELE LFA Good contest tonight but finished early. Glad to get IO87  
AR 58 G8GYX IO91 73 9,360 128 6500 15,860 GD8EXI 434 100 9 Ele tonna quit busy Thanks for points to CATS Tom  
AR 59 G1HLT IO93 49 7,218 147 8500 15,718 GM4JTJ 399 100 8 el Powabeam Barely average conditions, QSB on longer paths.
AR 60 G7LRQ IO91 33 5,877 178 9500 15,377 GM4JTJ 570 100 9 ele LFA    
AO 61 EI8KN IO62 26 10,298 396 5000 15,298 G4PIQ 580 400 12 elements Very difficult conditions.  
AR 62 MW0OMB IO81 46 8,669 188 6500 15,169 G4LPP 362 70 8 Ele OWL G/T Cdx better than last mnth but 6/7 QRAs short of my best this yr. Worse to the far N,although strng sig from GM3SEK.Some failed tries too.73  
AR 63 G0JDL JO02 43 8,625 201 6500 15,125 GD8EXI 460 100 Dual 5-ele Reasonable conditions to the west but poor to the continent. Noisy band at times.  
AR 64 G4JLG IO83 56 7,367 132 7000 14,367 GM4JTJ 348 100 10 el LFA YAGI As usual, un able to work stations to the SE due to local noise.
AL 65 G7RIS IO92 58 7,130 123 6500 13,630 GM4JTJ 426 10 15 ele lfa    
AR 66 2E0VPX IO92 50 7,053 141 6500 13,553 GM3SEK 336 100 10 ele Good to see a few on from Heckington & District RG - 73 all!  
AO 67 M0FXX IO91 65 6,491 100 7000 13,491 GD8EXI 386 400 8 ELE LFA High local noise level  
AR 68 PE1EWR JO11 28 8,986 321 4500 13,486 G4KUX 505 80 144PA-9-5A To avoid most UBN I deleted non UK contacts....
AR 69 G3YOA JO02 31 7,422 239 6000 13,422 OZ1BEF 627 90 9 ele LFA Thanks for points to Bittern Dx Group  
AR 70 G3TDH IO83 41 6,173 151 7000 13,173 F5ZRC 408 100 10ele Conditions varied, and some regular squares missed. Overall an average session here. Thanks for all the QSOs and 73, Reg  
AR 71 F4HRD JO00 35 8,559 245 4500 13,059 M0KOV 403 80 11 ELE TONNA  
AR 72 M0NVS IO91 49 5,553 113 7500 13,053 MI0TLG 489 100 8 Ele Lfa High noise level didn't help, missed a few regulars. Thanks for qso's. 73 Phil
AR 73 G8GRS/P IO81 41 6,390 156 6500 12,890 GM4JTJ 584 70 8 ele Condx flat, some usuals missing. Seasons greetings to all ,73 Richard.  
AR 74 F1CBC JN09 41 8,259 201 4500 12,759 GD8EXI 601 80 9 els yagi Average Conditions, deep slow QSB, Noise by time and Good activity.73! at all ..Philippe....MXMAS  
AR 75 G3WRA IO82 44 5,441 124 7000 12,441 GM4JTJ 473 100 7 Element 1.5 hours then voice gave up Tks for calls this year Merry Xmas Stuart  
AR 76 2E0YDG IO93 33 6,093 185 6000 12,093 F5RZC 389 100 12 element lfa yagi    
AR 77 G7WIR JO01 60 6,494 108 5500 11,994 G0CNN/P 358 100 WiMo 2m Big Wheel Good conditions and the big wheel held it's own in the crowd. Thanks for all the contacts. 73...  
AR 78 G8TZJ IO84 34 6,433 189 5500 11,933 G8IQL/P 361 100 7el XY Yagi    
AO 79 MM0CEZ IO75 19 6,432 339 5500 11,932 G4YPC 556 400 2x9 Ele M2 Poor cndx. just giving some points away.  
AO 80 M0TXE IO82 39 5,634 144 6000 11,634 F5RZC 398 300 11ele    
AO 81 G0WZV JO01 36 5,993 166 5500 11,493 GD8EXI 447 320 6 Ele    
AR 82 G0UUU/P IO94 26 6,976 268 4500 11,476 OZ1BEF 649 50 7 ele Average conditions. Lots of QSB. Thanks for the QSOs. 73, Phil.  
AL 83 G1MZD IO92 49 5,393 110 6000 11,393 GM3SEK 380 10 7ele G4CQM Missed a few usual squares, quite noisy to the south + elecric fence. average conditions. tnx. Dave  
AL 84 M0KSE IO83 36 5,881 163 5500 11,381 F5RZC 444 10 Homebrew 6E yagi Thanks for the QSOs, some QSB deep at times, but lots of activity
AR 85 G0GJV IO91 48 4,576 95 6500 11,076 GD8EXI 397 100 9 ele dual    
AR 86 G0PQF JO01 47 5,379 114 5500 10,879 GD8EXI 409 100 9 el Conditions seemed average but good activity.  
AR 87 M0IAM IO91 41 4,356 106 6500 10,856 GM3SEK 470 100 6 ele DK7ZB Better than expected. Tks for the contacts and points for Guildford & DRS.  
AR 88 G3XBY IO92 50 5,238 105 5500 10,738 F5RZC 324 100 7el Tonna QSOs well up on normal, but ODX down
AR 89 GM4DIJ IO85 21 5,528 263 5000 10,528 G4PIQ 514 100 9 ele Noisy band. some good planes. a few heard and not worked.  
AL 90 2E0SBM IO92 40 4,458 111 6000 10,458 GM4JTJ 462 10 5 element yagi good fun tonight thanks to all who worked me  
AR 91 G3YCR IO91 53 4,866 92 5500 10,366 GD8EXI 438 100 7 ele DK7ZB Very noisy in some directions - probably Christmas lights - so thanks for persevering to those I had trouble copying.  
AL 92 G0NZI/P IO92 32 3,862 121 6500 10,362 GM4JTJ 464 10 6 element DL6WU Thanks for all the QSO's!
AO 93 G4RGK IO91 57 4,800 84 5500 10,300 GD8EXI 379 200 9 el YU7EF Casual entry, no KST, need to check antenna, no GMs audible tonight.  
AR 94 G4CSD IO91 45 4,762 106 5000 9,762 GD8EXI 397 80 8 ele    
AR 95 G4GTH IO90 28 4,040 144 5500 9,540 GD8EXI 405 95 10 Element Yagi Average. Improved towards the end of the contest. Some QSB
AR 96 M0HPI/P IO91 45 4,024 89 5500 9,524 F4VRB 270 50 4 ele yagi    
AR 97 G6VGG IO82 35 3,705 106 5500 9,205 GM3SEK 313 100 Yagi    
AR 98 G4JED JO01 42 4,065 97 5000 9,065 F1MKG 287 100 11 ele Yagi    
AR 99 2W0JYN IO83 36 4,900 136 4000 8,900 F5RZC 432 50 DIE POLE YEAGI  
AR 100 G4PFZ JO02 27 4,385 162 4500 8,885 GD8EXI 430 100 6 ele beam Computer problems for 2/3rds of contest but enjoyed anyway  
AR 101 G0JSB IO83 31 3,519 114 5000 8,519 GM4JTJ 364 100 5 ele attic    
AR 102 G4SSW IO92 30 3,372 112 5000 8,372 GD8EXI 300 40 7 ele dual    
AR 103 G8FCQ IO92 28 3,223 115 5000 8,223 GM4JTJ 459 50 15e    
AR 104 M0VNP IO81 23 3,046 132 5000 8,046 GD8EXI 327 100 MET_144-6X Lots of QRM.  
AL 105 G4HZG/P IO93 27 3,025 112 5000 8,025 F5RZC 361 10 8 ele LFA    
AR 106 G4BKF IO83 29 3,513 121 4500 8,013 G4PIQ 323 50 7 ELE    
AR 107 G8KQH IO91 38 3,481 92 4500 7,981 GW0RHC 261 50 4 element Yagi Thanks all for the QSOs. 73 de Owen, Guildford & DRS.  
AL 108 M7RMF IO91 34 3,299 97 4500 7,799 G0CNN/P 294 10 9 ele Tonna    
AR 109 M0JWU IO91 34 3,487 103 4000 7,487 GD8EXI 426 90 11 ele    
AL 110 G0HXR IO92 21 2,805 134 4500 7,305 F5RZC 286 10 Dual Antennas 6/11 ele yagi    
AR 111 G4EFT IO91 50 3,765 75 3500 7,265 G4LPP 220 100 WiMo Big Wheel Conditions were quite good for a change. Some QSB floating about, though. Tnx for QSO's. 73 Phil  
AR 112 G0MHZ IO91 31 2,731 88 4500 7,231 GD8EXI 366 90 8 ele Quad    
AR 113 G0JOS/P IO91 38 3,587 94 3500 7,087 G4FAL 251 40 5 ele yagi Pleasant dry cold evening 2c when breaking down. Thanks to all the stations I worked. Festive greetings to all & healthy 2025. 73 de Edd  
AL 114 G3YKI IO82 29 3,424 118 3500 6,924 GM3SEK 278 10 8 ele Yagi    
AL 115 G4BEE IO83 13 1,867 144 5000 6,867 GM4JTJ 329 10 5 ele Yagi A fairly casual operating style tonight ...  
AL 116 G0CHO IO92 28 2,709 97 4000 6,709 GD8EXI 307 10 7 ele LFA yagi Good conditions tonight  
AR 117 G0SWC IO91 30 2,650 88 4000 6,650 GD8EXI 426 100 7 Ele Yagi Good evening every thing workrd well Points to GDRS  
AR 118 G0BIX JO01 23 3,089 134 3500 6,589 GD8EXI 468 100 7 Ele Yagi by Dual    
AL 119 G4PGJ IO92 27 3,047 113 3500 6,547 F5RZC 343 10 7 ele LFA No CQ calls at all this year.Thanks to all contacts made.  
AL 120 M6XAK IO93 23 2,507 109 4000 6,507 GW6UAJ/P 230 10 5 Ele LFA    
AR 121 G0KZT IO91 35 2,477 71 4000 6,477 G3WGN 266 100 7 ele ZL Special  
AL 122 M0KPU JO01 43 3,451 80 3000 6,451 GW6UAJ/P 221 10 8 ele powerbeam    
AL 123 G6TVB IO92 28 2,385 85 4000 6,385 G0CNN/P 243 10 Wima 44 ele Conditions much better than normal but local noise still a major problem with current setup. Thanks for all the contacts.  
AR 124 M7LHE IO92 20 2,309 115 4000 6,309 GD8EXI 318 25 12ele Yagi  
AR 125 G0BNC IO91 31 2,605 84 3500 6,105 F4VRB 338 50 10XY Poor conditions, some very deep QSB. A lot of stations I worked were down on their normal numbers I expect from them.  
AL 126 G0GDA JO01 28 3,071 110 3000 6,071 GW1YBB/P 272 10 X200 Just did over the hour, several usual ststions missing  
AR 127 G4YUP IO90 23 3,059 133 3000 6,059 G3TBK/P 238 100 6 el Yagi    
AR 128 M0TZM IO82 19 2,353 124 3500 5,853 GM3SEK 259 50 5 element yagi    
AR 129 GW4ZAR IO83 27 2,596 96 3000 5,596 G4YHF 209 80 HF Trap Dipole 2m yagi not possible tonight so tried dipole. SWR 1.55:1 no ATU No adverse reactions so I managed something instead of nowt. 73 .. Dave  
AR 130 G4DYC JO02 20 2,337 117 3000 5,337 GW1YBB/P 295 90 Vertical Colinear Quite reasonable conditions overall. Seemed good activity.Well done the /p stns.73 & Seasonal Greetings-Mike  
AR 131 G1VNB IO92 22 2,142 97 3000 5,142 F5RZC 311 100 5 ele zl Thanks for all our qsos  
AL 132 M0WBG IO83 21 2,120 101 3000 5,120 GM4JTJ 364 10 6 ELE OWL    
AR 133 G0TAR JO01 13 2,116 163 3000 5,116 G0CNN/P 374 50 9 ele beam xmas lights, high noise only did 90mins first time back after hip op. tnx points cu on 70.73 de Brian
AR 134 G0PBV IO90 16 2,033 127 3000 5,033 GW6UAJ/P 212 60 7 ele ZL Special Challenging conditions but always enjoy taking part!  
AR 135 G6GDI IO91 32 2,005 63 3000 5,005 GW1YBB/P 167 70 CLP5130-1 LOG PERIODIC An enjoyable evening. Thx for the qsos.  
AR 136 G7ICV JO01 19 1,973 104 3000 4,973 G8EKG 217 50 Dual antenna yagi First hour and a half qrv. Reasonable conditions.  
AR 137 G4XYW IO91 25 1,943 78 3000 4,943 GW0RHC 244 90 7el LFA Rotator stuck pointing towards Cornwall... Ho Hum.
AL 138 M3EMO IO92 22 1,918 87 3000 4,918 GD8EXI 251 10 4element OWL Yagi in loft  
AO 140 M7CDF JO01 17 1,866 110 3000 4,866 GW6UAJ/P 244 25 5 ele yagi    
AL 141 G8OMB IO92 22 1,426 65 3000 4,426 G4PIQ 192 10 5/8 element DK7ZB    
AR 142 2E0GYI IO93 15 1,667 111 2500 4,167 G4PIQ 240 40 3 Element Delta Loop Antenna in loft, just enjoy taking part.  
AL 143 M0BGR JO01 16 1,085 68 2500 3,585 GW6UAJ/P 221 10 5 el Yagi Average conditions  
AR 144 MM6POV IO75 12 1,084 90 2500 3,584 GW0GEI 348 25 9ele Tonna    
AR 145 G3WCB IO80 6 906 151 2500 3,406 G4CLA 290 100 4 ele beam Hard work from IO80-Land. Condx not very good to the East. Just one IO91 station worked. Tks for QSOs, pts to Drowned Rats. 73 Dave G3WCB  
AR 146 G5MW JO01 7 818 117 2500 3,318 G4CLA 174 19 5ele High noise level. QRV 30minutes only. Thanks for points and patience...  
AR 147 G4AJA IO91 16 964 60 2000 2,964 GW1YBB/P 103 20 Q4/2M 4 element quad    
AO 148 G8EFK IO91 11 808 73 2000 2,808 GW0RHC 173 50 8 Element Yagi    
AR 149 G6TXB JO01 6 790 132 2000 2,790 G8EKG 217 40 Fixed 5 ele yagi in attic lots of QSB  
AR 150 G8FRS IO91 11 789 72 2000 2,789 G3NFC/P 109 70 5 element yagi    
AR 151 M0TVZ IO92 13 779 60 2000 2,779 GW6UAJ/P 110 50 Diamond V2000 Colinear Good conditions but some QSB. Thanks for the contacts throughout the year and merry Xmas. 73 Ron  
AR 152 G5UHF/P IO91 6 639 106 2000 2,639 G3TBK/P 223 18 NR22L Vertical Testing equipment.  
AR 153 M0JQT JO01 5 303 61 2000 2,303 F5RZC 135 50 9 Ele Yagi    
AR 154 PA0FEI JO33 3 1,157 386 1000 2,157 G4CLA 498 50 7 el Poor conditions and activity.  
AR 155 2E0YCC IO91 6 631 105 1500 2,131 G3TBK/P 184 2.5 HB 3 el Yagi Thanks for your patience working QRP SSB station. Rich  
AO 156 M0TNI IO92 7 532 76 1500 2,032 G4FAL 124 50 HLP-270    
AL 157 G4DZL IO92 9 518 58 1500 2,018 G4LPP 191 10 3 ele yagi in loft  
AR 158 2E0VPA IO92 12 719 60 1000 1,719 GW6UAJ/P 158 50 Yagi 5 Element Thanks for the contacts.  
AR 159 2E0YNT IO92 9 388 43 1000 1,388 G4FAL 98 10 Diamond X50    
AL 160 2E0JGV JO02 10 822 82 500 1,322 G4CLA 165 10 7 ELE YAGI    
AR 161 G0NGI IO91 12 269 22 1000 1,269 G0SKA 44 40 HB9CV    
AL 162 M0ISZ IO92 4 207 52 1000 1,207 GW1YBB/P 141 10 dipole    
AL 163 M7IPN IO82 2 158 79 1000 1,158 GW1YBB/P 95 10 Diamond VX-30    
AR 164 G0ANS JO01 2 149 74 1000 1,149 F5RZC 131 100 10 Yagi    
AR 165 G4YSS/P IO94 1 324 324 500 824 GW1YBB/P 324 50 7 ele    
AR 166 M7NMP IO92 7 158 23 500 658 G8DOH 43 25 Sharman X50    
AR 167 M0IMS IO81 3 106 35 500 606 GW6UAJ/P 72 50 Colinear Thanks for a few contacts to validate new shack/room with so far just a colinear.  
AR 168 G0FVH IO80 2 103 52 500 603 G8IQL/P 81 50 Indoor beam    
AR 169 G8XST IO80 1 8 8 500 508 G4VUD 8 50 5 Ele Beam    

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