Claimed Scores 2024
  10851 claimed scores
V8.44 by G4CLA

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Claimed scores for SHF UKAC 10 GHz

26 Nov (11 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SAR 1 G4ODA IO92 11 1,989 181 GW4JQP 360 4 95cm pf dish Some useful RS to SW Wales helped on 3.  
SAO 2 G4LDR IO91 11 1,731 157 GW4JQP 253 25 1m dish Some good RS to the west of IO91. Worked G4UVZ on 24GHz during contest for our first home to home contact over 100km obstructed path via RS  
SAR 3 G4CLA IO92 11 1,542 140 GW4JQP 281 5 1m dish    
SAR 4 M0GHZ IO81 10 1,383 138 G4ZTR 220 5 90cm Good to work GW4MBS and GW4JQP with the help of a little RS. Conditions down on usual. 73 David  
SAR 5 GW4JQP IO71 6 1,339 223 G4ODA 360 5 43cm offset Good conditions in some directions. A couple of fails, but thanks for the tries.  
SAO 6 G4ZTR JO01 8 1,299 162 G4UVZ 297 10 80cms offset Poor conditions, low activity. Disappointing that RS to IO71 didn't work from here, although 'JQP was heard briefly on AS.  
SAO 7 GW4MBS IO71 7 1,232 176 G4ODA 282 12 1m dish Nice RS including 24GHz but only one taker, yes I know no points but good RS has to be grasped when you can get it!
SAO 8 G4HWA IO92 10 1,173 117 GW4MBS 213 20 64cm O/S Dish Poor conditions and low activity thanks for all the contacts 73 Bernie  
SAR 9 G8SEI IO92 8 1,066 133 G4UVZ 211 5 1.2m mesh dish First time out with new kit . low activity but pleased with how the kit worked out , thanks all 73 jeff  
SAO 10 G0WZV JO01 6 789 132 G4LDR 195 10 60cm penny feed    
SAR 11 G1DFL/P IO91 6 621 104 G4UVZ 161 1 60cm Offset Dish Handful of folks on, pleased that most paths worked. Rain was useful to the west, but not great when it moved to be overhead at the end!

22 Oct (10 scores)

24 Sep (9 scores)

27 Aug (16 scores)

23 Jul (14 scores)

25 Jun (13 scores)

28 May (10 scores)

23 Apr (11 scores)

26 Mar (14 scores)

27 Feb (13 scores)

23 Jan (9 scores)

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